Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gilgour happenings

I wanted to upload pictures tonight but it's not working. Bummer!

I get to put up the Christmas tree in 16 days. I spent a little bit of time on facebook tonight, and noticed how excited everyone in college was that the semester is winding down. The weeks before Thanksgiving in college are so fun. You're so close to going home for the holidays, and then a couple weeks after that you get a month off for Christmas. Who doesn't love going home for Christmas? I did. My roommates and I put up a Christmas tree and lots of Christmas decor even though it wouldn't be up for very long. When I was a sophomore, we strung popcorn. That's actually kind of gross. But it was always fun and my college memories are almost all amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and made wonderful friends. I am blessed.

The year we had an ice storm in College Station was also good times. Texans are totally thrown off by ice. We are incredibly dangerous on the road. So the university was closed because they didn't want people trying to drive back from Christmas break in the ice. So Lindsay, Thomas, Patrick and I were already back and stuck at home in College Station. We made s'mores in the fireplace. It was fun. I tried to convince Patrick to take me by Beaver Pond last weekend when we were up there, but it's a little bit out of the way. And my wonderful roommates are all gone. But back then, it was home and I loved it. Now this is home and I love it.

We are trying to plan out our vacations for the coming year. We will head to Missouri sometime in the spring to see Patrick's family. That will be fun. Then we will possibly stop in Florida at some point to check out my grandparents' new house. But as far as a summer vacation we don't know. We would totally go to Hawaii again but you know.. it's a little pricey. We are beach lovers, but Patrick is a serious mountain lover. But he's probably going to hit up the mountains earlier in the summer and probably also in January so we may get to do another beach vacation. YES! It's so much cheaper to drive, especially if you want to have a car while you're there. So we're probably looking at a gulf coast vacation. I'm pretty excited and it's super far away. Or who knows, maybe we'll do something totally different. We shall see. Yay vacations!

Speaking of vacations.. only one more full week of work after this one before Thanksgiving. Then 3 weeks of work before Christmas!!! You better believe I will force some pictures on the blog once we get the Christmas stuff up. I can't wait.

Ok, well I rambled a lot. The rest of the week is booked. Tomorrow is church. Thursday Patrick has a bachelor party and hopefully Claire and I can finally catch up! Then we are off to College Station for the weekend. I really need to get better at getting things done during the week.

Now if you'll excuse me, Patrick promised me a back rub!

1 comment:

Brice and Jeni Land said...

If you're thinking mountains, you should check this place out: http://www.pigeonforgecabinrentals.com/