Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fourth Monthiversary

Today was election day. All I have to say is that I'm glad that sometime in the near future, something other than campaign coverage will be on TV. And while the election certainly did not reflect my personal views, ultimately God is in control. So we'll just have to remember that for the next four years. Hopefully just the next four years.

On a WAY more exciting note... tomorrow, November 5th, we will have been married for four months. I know, that's not very long in the grand scheme of things. But I think it's pretty great. Patrick's working really late tonight, and it's so weird. I'm used to him either being home or close to home when I get here. I miss him! Things have been REALLY good! At first it was kinda weird, adjusting to everything. But now that we're past that part, it's on to the fun! We've had a lot going on, and we've cut back a little bit recently. But it's been great. Coming home to the same house, waking up at the same house. Having lazy Saturday mornings, pancake breakfasts. Watching a lot of Law and Order and Jon and Kate Plus 8 (yes, that one is my preference. But Patrick has to pretend not to like it.) Dinners with friends, seeing family. And of course, we are counting down to our first Christmas as a married couple. I'm ridiculously excited. 51 days, by the way!

The picture is from the day we got engaged. I can't believe it was over a year and a half ago. And at the same time, it seems like SO much has happened since then. I've been working for almost a year and a half also. That's so weird. I can't believe it's been that long. I had no idea what I wanted to do when I started working. And here we are, a year and a half later. Funny how fast time goes by. What should I be when I grow up?

On a not so fun note, I've been feeling kinda crummy lately. Hopefully everything will be better tomorrow. Doctor's appointment on Thursday. Next week should be much better.

Happy fourth monthiversary, Patrick!

1 comment:

Elijah Davidson said...

We can stand to remember that for way more than just the next four years no matter what happens.

Happy anniversary, you two.