Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Addicts Anonymous

Hi, my name is Patrick and I have a problem. I'm addicted to celebrating Christmas. Now, all of my Christmas celebrations are over and I'm not sure what to do.

Yesterday Becky and I traveled to the Lufkin to do Christmas with the Palmour's. We had a great time. Frist, we went to GrandDortha's apartment at the retirement center and said hello and waited for her uncle Sid's family to arrive. Then we went to Cheddar's, home of the greatest broccoli cheese casserole ever, where I had BCC and ribs. Finally, We moved back to GrandDortha's apartment to open presents and ask questions about how oil leasing works. It was a great day.

Becky and I got some really nice gifts. We met her cousin Phillip's new wife, Kimberly, and hear all about the baby girl their expecting in March. Kimberly is very sweet and was a lot of fun. Her uncle Sid is the epitome of Texas: he's large, wears boots, tips his hat at you, and works with oil and cattle. He also has the mustache I dreamt about.

GrandDortha is such a sweet lady and I'm very glad we got to spend some time with her yesterday. She told me that she was glad I was apart of their family and that meant a lot to me. Funny story: the first time I spent significant time with her was at Thanksgiving in 2005 when we were at South Padre Island. I made her a sandwich and she told me I was as handy as the pocket on a shirt. And she mentions that every time I see her. Like, yesterday after I took the family picture she said, "You're handy! You can make sandwiches and take pictures!" She's a very sweet lady.

Finally, she has an amazing picture of her late husband, Harold. He's on the right side of the frame, sitting on (what appears to be) a leather couch, suit jacket unbuttoned, with his right arm tossed over the couch. It is an amazing picture and I would love to 1) look that cool, 2) have someone take a picture of me looking that cool, and 3) take a picture of someone looking that cool.

Here is the family picture I took yesterday:

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