Thursday, August 21, 2008

wednesday adventures

so my car flooded yesterday. (i keep feeling like i should say "becky's car flooded" so it's like this is me and patrick's blog and we write it together but so far he hasn't blogged so when he does he'll have to let everyone know so you don't think it's me.) anyway, my car flooded. like crazy flooded. i will need to post pictures. (which i know how to do now... thank you chelsea!) i didn't bring my lunch to work yesterday which really started the whole problem. and it was going to pour, so my plan was to get lunch and run back to work before the rain started. so i left for lunch, planning to go to whataburger which is the closest thing to work. however, it sadly turned out not to be the fastest. so sitting in the super long line, it starts to rain on me a bit. so i decided i would run home and grab lunch and that would be faster. (home is across the street from work.) so as soon as i got home, the sky opened up and i decided to just wait the rain out a bit. so i did... it stopped raining, and i went to get in my car and go back to work and BAM! the car is under water. the entire street is completely submerged. the water was to the top of my tires, and thus over the bottom of the door. and thus in the car. bummer.

soo... i can't get in the car since the water would rush in and i obviously couldn't start it in that condition either. so i called my mom who happened to be picking my sister up from school which is really close to our house and she drove to the end of our street, and my plan was to wade down there and have her take me back to work. (i am a dedicated worker.) well... there were LOTS of mosquitos hanging out over the water. so i got covered in mosquito bites and knew i woudn't make it all the way down the street like that, so i went back home and changed into jeans to cover my legs up and walked down to meet my mom. then i realized the water had gone down enough on the driver side for me to open the door and not let water in, so i waded back down the street to get my stuff out of the car. all the while cars decide it's a brilliant idea to try to drive down our street even though my car is clearly flooded and every time they do, they make waves that get me soaked and cause my car to start rocking dangerously back and forth.

anyway, i got back to work, took a little road trip with tiffanie later in the afternoon to verify that my car would start, and patrick left work early to pick me up and take us to church. (i also decided after all that energy to get back to work i was justified in wearing jeans yesterday for the rest of the day so that was a plus.) we had a blast at church. we are in a financial peace class (dave ramsey; if you haven't heard of him look him up. he's awesome) on wednesday nights, and we break out into small groups after the video and we LOVE our small group. they are tons of fun. so we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and got some advice about what to do with our flooded car.

well then today i take it to the dealer to have him take the carpet out and dry it all and whatnot becuase it smells terrible. (he gave me props for not trying to start it when it had water still on it by the way. go me.) so he tells me it will be an insane amount of money because the carpet is all one piece so he has to completely take out the interior of the car and dry it out, etc. etc. so he says i can accomplish the same thing at a car wash with a vacuum. PERFECT! my dad owns a car wash. so i go out there, vacuum for 45 minutes, and get nowhere. so my dad peels back the carpet and sure enough, there is tons of water under there that i can't even get to and vacuuming the carpet is accomplishing nothing.

back to square one. some of the carpet is peeled up, some of the pieces of the car are strewn around in there, it still stinks, and it's still wet. (despite my dad's best efforts at helping and my poor mom driving to get me from the incredibly far away dealership only to find out he thinks we shouldn't waste our money.) after a 3 hour lunch break. they should really give you flood hours at work i think.

i was never good at condensing stories. my mom used to ask me how a movie was and i could never really cut it down to a short story. she would be like 'ok what were JUST the main parts?' after i rambled off all the lines from the movie that i remembered. can't do it. the details are more fun.

the good news about my super long lunch break is that i spent a whole lot of time in the car and got to talk to my grandmother. which is always a good time. speaking of... christmas is 125 days away! i should start shopping earlier this year for sure. maybe now would be good.

back to work, and watching more rain out the window.

1 comment:

J.T. said...

I'm the same kind of storyteller.
There are no "highlights".
Every detail is important to convey the full magnitude of the story.

I read the whole thing.
Too-long-storytellers UNITE!

(on another note, the word I had to type to post this was "peooo")