Monday, July 26, 2010

Best day of the week: Benday!

Last weekend we got to babysit sweet Ben. Ohh my goodness, I love that kid. He is precious.

Please see below two of my favorite people in the world:

Activities involved:
  • Climbing the stairs roughly 893045890348590 times with numerous attempts to nose dive down on his own. Thus giving his babysitter many near-heart attacks. But look at that kid, he wanted to climb the stairs, no chance I was saying no! (Don't worry, I was very careful.)
  • Taking a nap. Ohhh this was a favorite for me. He fell asleep on my bed with me. Precious.
  • Cuddle time post-nap
  • Lots of pointing and saying 'dog'
  • Lots of trying to share Cheerios with the dog (we were dog sitting also)
  • Playing with the knobs on the bathtub and being really impressed when the water came out
  • Baby pool date with friends Landon and Ryan, where the fountain was quite intriguing (My favorite part: the swim diaper was on backwards, so it was too narrow in the back and showed half his little bottom, in a very sumo wrestler fashion.)
You can stay with us any time you want, Ben!

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