Wednesday, January 30, 2013

4 months!

Feeling a tad bit like my eyes are going to bulge out of my head from this cold I've been fighting, but here goes my attempt at making sense....

Everett is 4 months old. At least that's what one can assume from the details on his birth certificate. In my mind it doesn't seem possible.


Height 24 in, 8th percentile
Weight 14 lb 3 oz, 22nd percentile
Head 16 3/4 in, 78th percentile

(I can assure you the 22nd percentile in weight is a deceitful little statistic. Ohh the rolls. Apparently he's chubbier cuz he's short.)

Everett at 4 months, you:

Eat. My word do you eat. Should any of us get between you and your milk when it's time to eat, WATCH OUT. 6 ounces, 5x a day, a mix of beast milk and formula. And I think 90% of it goes to your cheeks. And maybe the rest to your love handles. :) so cute.

Are really a great sleeper. You typically eat for the last time around 8:30 and then sleep until at least 7, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes later. You still take 3 naps a day, although this week you've started fighting it. But I let you cry for awhile (judge if you must, folks) and you'll go back to sleep. If I get you up, you're tired and grumpy all day and neither of us finds that particularly enjoyable.

Got sick for the first time. :( The doctor said croup but I'm not so sure. You did not have the croup cough. You had a few days of not sleeping during the day and waking up at night. But you're over that part now, although you're still kinda raspy sounding, even on day 11 of sickness. Ugh. Poor guy.

You've started waking up so happy. This is a thrilling change from waking up screaming bloody murder until you were fed. Every morning you wake up talking. You will often talk for 10 minutes or so until you start to get frustrated, and it is a perfect start to my day.

Still have reflux. It's been pretty bad this week while you've been sick. Boo.

Roll easily from tummy to back. You can roll from back to tummy, but the only time you do it is in an attempt to escape a diaper change.

Can officially get out of your little bed. This was a fun discovery. You didn't cry or make any noise, but I happened to look at the video monitor during one of your naps and you had rolled over on your tummy (still with one arm and both legs swaddled. You talented thing you) and scooted yourself down so that your head was all the way at the bottom of your bed and your legs were dangling precariously off the side. I made a mad dash to get you before you plummeted, and you've been harnessed during sleep ever since. Not ideal, but you hate the crib and I thought transitioning while you were sick and not sleeping well already wasn't good either. Very soon though. Your sleeper days are numbered.

You are all boy all the time. No time for kisses and cuddles. You will put your head on my shoulder only if you're about to fall asleep. You must be up and looking around and bouncing (while standing) always. You go nuts in the jumparoo and throw yourself all over the place. I'm mildly concerned about your brain jostling around in your head that hard. If you're laying down, you kick your feet the whole time and throw your arms up and down. You love to 'ride the horsey' and you stick your chest out and look so proud of yourself the whole time. When you get to be mobile, I am in serious trouble.

Speaking of mobile, you've got the legs part of crawling down but not so much the arms. You can scoot forward with your legs but your arms just won't follow yet.

Pretty sure teething is in our near future. You're drooling a lot and you gnaw on my fingers all day long. (You're not partial, it's just that they are always there. You will chew on anything you can get near your face.) I can feel your teeth under your gums.

You've gotten pretty good at grabbing things. You'll hold onto toys we hand you. I think you may be left handed. You suck mostly on your left thumb and you're better at grabbing with your left hand.

You belly laughed for the first time this week. At Aunt Raine. Who is obviously much more funny than we are since she's the only one you've laughed at real hard like that.

You've gotten into a favorite sleep position. You turn your head to the left, stick your left thumb in your mouth and stick your right hand on your right ear, then you just suck away until you fall asleep. You prefer sleeping on your left side but the harness is preventing that at the moment.

Your little personality is showing so much these days and we just love it. You definitely won't be our calm, quiet, reserved little guy. Can't wait to see it more and more. We love you so much!!!

Look how you have changed in 4 months!

Exhibit of constant movement, making it hard to take pictures that aren't blurry, below:

And then a sleepy photo, just for the sake of cuteness. Excuse me while I stop typing this to squeeze those cheeks.

And so I never forget how adorable it is that you always sleep with your left thumb in your mouth, even if I have to catch it on the monitor because you refuse to sleep with me holding you (except for after your shots and I have to be honest, it makes my heart so happy to cuddle, even if it is because of shots)

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