Saturday, January 30, 2010

new years resolutions have clauses

Conversation that ensued this morning:

I say something (don't remember what) to Patrick at 8:45 am.

Patrick: Not now, I have 15 more minutes before I have to wake up for my New Year's resolution!
Me: What New Year's resolution?
Patrick: I have a New Year's resolution to wake up by 9:00 am every Saturday.
Me: I didn't know that. And you've already broken it before.
Patrick: No, we were cuddling, there's a clause for that.
Me: I didn't know there were clauses for resolutions.

His alarm goes off at 9:00 am

Patrick: Ugggggh, put your head on my shoulder so I don't have to get out of bed.

I couldn't make this stuff up, kids.