Friday, December 21, 2012

2 months!

Well, we're closing in on 3 months around here, but as I warned you last time, these will never come on time.

Now, the tricky part is for me to remember the things he was doing at 2 months since he does a lot more stuff now.  I did take the picture right at 2 months this time though, which is great success if you ask me.  (I actually wrote a post for this on his 2 month birthday and then when I added the picture, Blogger deleted the writing.  And I didn't have it in me to post again.  And apparently it took 3 weeks for me to work up the energy to re-post.  Which makes blogging very similar to running.  It takes me at least 3 weeks to find interest in running after I've done it once.)

At 2 months, Everett...

-Babbles more and more

-Took his first official trip to Aggieland while his daddy was home over Thanksgiving.  Whoop.

-Has totally mastered the baby smile, but it's still pretty hard to come by.  You really have to entertain him well to get a full-face baby smile, but when you do, it's the very best part of your day.  Promise.

-Eats a lot.  This kid loooooves his milk.  He cries every time it's taken away (unless he's mostly asleep), no matter how much he eats.  He eats about 4 ounces per feeding, 6 times a day, a combination of formula and breast milk.  (Sorry, for those of you uninterested or creeped out by that- some of this is just for me to remember.)

-Is such a great sleeper.  He typically goes from about 10:30 pm to 6 am or so.  Sometimes a little bit longer than that, sometimes a little bit less.  I am so very much happier to be getting really good sleep these days.  He's also in a pretty good routine now, so most of our days (schedule-wise) look pretty much the same.  This makes my heart happy.  Mommy hates change.

-Is generally perfectly content as long as he's being held, but he's starting to enjoy some self-play more often.  He loves anything with a mobile - his play mat, swing, or even the mobile in his crib.  (Although he despises sleeping in his crib.  We'll get to that in the 3 month update.  Try to go on normally with your lives until then, despite your excitement.)

-Is now gaining weight like a champ.  At his 2 month appointment, he was in the 15th percentile for weight (10 lb 10 oz), 52nd percentile for height (24 in) and 80th percentile for head circumference.  Yep, 80th.  He's got a big ole head.

-Is still having reflux, but it's definitely getting better.  The medicine he's on keeps it from burning so it doesn't make him cry, and it seems to happen less often.  Come on, three months, when it's supposed to just about go away.

-Is mitten-free and boy does he love his thumbs.  Good grief.  He doesn't usually scratch himself anymore now, so he's allowed to have free rein over sticking those thumbs in his mouth.  And he does so every time they happen to find their way in.  He still han't mastered getting them in there on his own, so it still only happens by chance.  Which apparently is extremely upsetting when you're 2 months old and have such a fondness for your thumbs.

-The paci has lost some of its power.  He really prefers his thumbs.  It still works sometimes though so I  never leave the house without one.

-Remember my comment about loving to be on his belly?  Things change.  He'll nap there if he's already out, but for the most part he naps in his own bed almost every time now so it's not really an option.  He's not a fan of tummy time when he's awake, although at 2 months, we had only done it once or twice.

-Still loves to stick that tongue out.

-Is finally slowing down on the doctor's visits.  All is well with the weight gain (finally - after 6 weeks) so we went to a normal doctor schedule.  And no more specialists.  Except a small circumcision issue that we'll have to address.  Poor little guy.

-The milk belly expansion has slowly spread elsewhere.  His thighs are filling out as well as his cheeks.  Oh those cheeks!  I just love them.  I kiss them approximately 4.2 million times per day.

I love love love love this kid.  (See below the massive change from one to two months.  Oh my word.  So much cheeks.)

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